The trends we took for study were 'Cultural flows', 'Genuine experiences' and 'Seeking optimism'. We discussed each trend on a very general basis, then came down to their local repercussions. Presented below are the minutes of the discussion coupled with a brainstorm/ connectivity structure and mood-boards for each of the trends.
Cultural Flows
India - Diversity - Uniqueness - Brain drain/ Migration - Identify with global culture - Hybrid culture - NRIs - BPOs / Call centres - Concentration of population in Metros - Agriculture - Rural population - Service providers - Music - Dance - Crafts - Fusion with the west - Connectivity/ Sharing - Blogs / SMS / Internet / Television /Radio / Print Media - Spirituality - Identify with nature - Incorporate 'desi'ness - Adaptability / Jugaad - Bollywood - Aping the West - Peace - co-existence of various ethnic groups/ religions
India being the largest democracy in the world is a potpourri of people and languages. This rich tapestry has been woven on an even richer past. Wars, infiltration, early settlers, natives, trade, natural disasters...all these causes have wrought a beautiful coming together of cultures. Today, people of different religions and languages co-exist in relative peace. Metros are magnets luring the rural population towards them, and these people who cannot assume top positions in the hurdle become service providers. The metropolitan citizens are getting the best of this new hybrid global culture. Technology, jobs, lifestyle, family, fitness...everything has come under the influence of prevalent trends. Increases wireless connectivity makes it easier for rapid transfer of information. Our dance, music and art/ craft is being fused with popular culture to bring about a genre more relevant to the entire world ( Bollywood).
Genuine Experiences
India being the largest democracy in the world is a potpourri of people and languages. This rich tapestry has been woven on an even richer past. Wars, infiltration, early settlers, natives, trade, natural disasters...all these causes have wrought a beautiful coming together of cultures. Today, people of different religions and languages co-exist in relative peace. Metros are magnets luring the rural population towards them, and these people who cannot assume top positions in the hurdle become service providers. The metropolitan citizens are getting the best of this new hybrid global culture. Technology, jobs, lifestyle, family, fitness...everything has come under the influence of prevalent trends. Increases wireless connectivity makes it easier for rapid transfer of information. Our dance, music and art/ craft is being fused with popular culture to bring about a genre more relevant to the entire world ( Bollywood).
Genuine Experiences
Buy an experience not product - Sense of belonging to an elite group - Create haves and have nots - Secure/ loved - Surprise - Personalize - Sex - Satisfy the senses - Visual / olfactory / tactile / taste / auditory - Flash it/ attention seeking - Multifunctional - Ecofriendly - Materials/ form - Status symbol - Simplicity - Latest technology - Lack of local sensitivity - Products that care for you - Bringing family together/ connected
These days, experience plays a key role in products. No one wants the run of the mill/ impersonal objects. We want to be satisfied in every manner. The latest in technology without complicating the interface which caters to every little need. Personalizing provides us with a sense of security and love from the product. Due to the current busy lifestyle, people are unable to meet each other often and tend to seek attention and care from their belongings. The products also create user groups and create distinctions. People buy into the group and feel a sense of belonging (a good example is the Apple Macintosh and Ipod).
Seeking Optimism
These days, experience plays a key role in products. No one wants the run of the mill/ impersonal objects. We want to be satisfied in every manner. The latest in technology without complicating the interface which caters to every little need. Personalizing provides us with a sense of security and love from the product. Due to the current busy lifestyle, people are unable to meet each other often and tend to seek attention and care from their belongings. The products also create user groups and create distinctions. People buy into the group and feel a sense of belonging (a good example is the Apple Macintosh and Ipod).
Seeking Optimism
Booming economy - Young working population - IT industry - Outsourcing - Retail boom / increased connectivity (roads, wireless techmology)/ purchasing power/ entrepreneurship - Global village - Travel - Reading -Music/ Dance - Festivals - Family - National Peace (Indo- Pak truce) - Spiritual experience/ well being / Yoga - Agricultual growth
We tend to seek optimism in various aspects and it is applicable to people all over the world. This makes it difficult to consider this trend from a very local perspective. But we tried to list down the things that bring about a heightened sense of optimism in Indians now. This is more of a metropolitan perspective towards the trend. Jobs, connectivity, better lifestyle, well being, family/ togetherness, economy and Peace were few of the topics taken.
We tend to seek optimism in various aspects and it is applicable to people all over the world. This makes it difficult to consider this trend from a very local perspective. But we tried to list down the things that bring about a heightened sense of optimism in Indians now. This is more of a metropolitan perspective towards the trend. Jobs, connectivity, better lifestyle, well being, family/ togetherness, economy and Peace were few of the topics taken.
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Keep up the good work.
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