Monday, July 30, 2007


Working women co-operative group:
In this system the working mothers of one housing society will have a network created in their mobile phones in which they will have their own shedule set. If she realises that she has a meeting and has to pick up her children from school she can enter the details like the name of the school and the area and the system will check who will be available among the women to go and pick her cildern and she choose one of her friends and ask that friend to pick her child from school.
This system is mainly for products that are not easily available in the market and only a few shops have them at a given time. All the retail shops have the availability of their goods in the shop in an online system. for example medicines A customer can easily check on the net where the particular medicine is available and can directly go to that shop and buy it. This saves the customer to run around from shop to shop looking for that particular medicine.
This is a little child finder device which solves the problem of childern running around in crowded public places and getting lost. It is just a little button on a device that the child is made to wear either in the neck or on the wrist. when the child is lost he can press that and can be located on through a signal that is sent to the mothers phone. this is very useful in India in places like Melas and fairs or Main shopping streets and Malls too.

Shown alongside is the scenario of a mobile operated door lock. this is very useful if you do not want to trust too many people with youe house keys or your children are too young to handle keys when you are not at home. Here the picture of the person who rings the bell is captured by a camers and the picture is sent to the lady or the man of the house when they are not at home. Thus the house keeper get to know who is waiting and can send a signal to the door to open up.

This system is mainly for the vegetable and fruit and other vwndoes who come from society to society to sell their wares. the buildings now a days are becoming taller and taller and it is immpossible for the vendor to shout out his wares. Thus in this systen the vendor shouts into the microphone at the gate of the building and each house has an intercom system and the homemaker comes to know which vendor is here even if he/ she is on the top most floor. In this way they can come down and buy all that they want. this system has a volume control so that even if you are in another room you can hear it and can switch it off if you do not want to know about the vendors.

Sometimes working mothers cannot come home when their child returns from school in cases she writes a note and puts it up on the refridgerator. The mother may forget to write some day about the milk and otherfoods and the child may not know. Thus this e-notepad helps the mother to write and edit notes sitting in the office. She can also edit and change messages and notes for the others like her husbahd or other family members.

In this system the service provider of the network sends a message of an emergency situation to every user of the specific service to take immidiate measures and evacuate if required. This message is in the form of an alarm which keeps ringing till it is seen and switched off by the user.

This system is very useful for mobile fairs and mobile melas. It is a very convenient thing to have a mobile toilet. the toilet is such a must in such plces to maintain hygenic and helthy surroundings. In this system one has to just call for a mobile van which will transpot a mobile toilet van to the venue where the fair or mela is.

These were the few concepts that we came up with after the second brainstorm. These are mainly based on the issues that we thought would be intersting to address.
Do put your comments and give us a feedback.
Group II : Aman Dubey
Apurba Pawar
Prachi Garg
Nayaab lokhandwala

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