Starting with the scenarios building, we came across a lot of concepts that can provide convenience to the general public. These concepts are build on the basis of our reserach made previously at railway stations,bus stops, talking to eorking mothers, educational institutes etc.
In this concept, the basic motto is to organise the coolies
(porter) and help passengers get adequate number of coolies as soon as they reach the destination station . This includes a system to be installed in all the boggies where there is one button provided in each compartment and the passengers needing a coolie can press the button . A display on the exterior of the boggie will indicate the cummulative count of the number of buttons pressed which in turn will indicate the number of coolies(porters) required.
(porter) and help passengers get adequate number of coolies as soon as they reach the destination station . This includes a system to be installed in all the boggies where there is one button provided in each compartment and the passengers needing a coolie can press the button . A display on the exterior of the boggie will indicate the cummulative count of the number of buttons pressed which in turn will indicate the number of coolies(porters) required.

With the coming up of easy access to cash without going through the hassles of paper work, security issues have also sprung up as it is very easy to withdraw money from the ATM by using an ATM card which requires just the password to access. In this system, the ATM cards have been modified to incorporate the user's thumb impression which will be matched with the predefined data and only then the user will get an access to his/her account. This way , even if the card is lost or stolen , money cannot be withdrawn .

Here the user can track down the way to the destination by locating the home and the final destination. The system will then show all the possibes routes between the two places and then provide the user with the shortest possible route that can be taken by the user to save time.
If the system is kept "ON" , then it will trace the path as chosen by the user and indicate when the user deviates from the path.

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