Friday, July 27, 2007

group 4

Social media, do-it-yourself, leapfrogging technology.

Social media.
a media which helps in socializing people. amedium to communicate the masses. a common platform to communicate the people.
in the survey taken, it was found that orkut was the best medium they know for socialising with people, also the best way was the internet to socialise. socil networking, video sharing, events, media sharing, online gaming, etc ,etc.....

To explore different places, people, Globalization, people travelling to different places, need for faster & efficient means to communicate, quick & easy to use, to give/pass the message in the least words in least possible time, hence sms...
to share experiences, knowledge, information hence blogs, orkut, etc... to make new contact & friends, to keep in touch with distant friends & relatives...

exemples are fabrication, costomization, personalization, jugaad kind of.
Its like an interface for convinience.
General understanding...
when so ever that the general overview of making something of inprovising anything with the existing material at hand to achieve something different & useful is called do-it-yourself.

Do-it-yourself concept is not very favourable in india because india has man power resource in abundance, so if we try to imply do-it-urself techniques, we will be creating unemployments which will in turn will result in the unemployed turning to loots, dacoits, robbery etc...


It starts from an idea, new innovation or new invention, like mobile, internet. they are meant to fulfill the"Wants"of the customer. innovations still develop to fulfill the "Desire" once the wants are completed.Then we adopt what is the advanced leapfrogg technology, for example india currently has 2G networks in mobile communications. indian govt is trying to upgrade its current networks to 3G networks which is availiable in europe & america but, now when 4G networks is to be launched in these countries indian mobile cos. are pushing the govt to upgrade the networks directly to 4G than 3G.
Cpmpetition & maket catches up globally which in turn pushes the products & services to develop even more. then there is local improvisation of technologies & products for example , some people take a big bike, chop it off from the swing arm area & fit a carriage to carry extra load. such customisation of products & technologies is called "jugaad" in india.
after a certain period of time the come a stage where there is the a sturation of technology in the field of the innovation/invention. This results in development of new technologies & inventions & the cycle goes on...

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