Friday, November 23, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Global Trends selected for concept building

The Concept using the global trends and the Scenario

The Interface at the end of the vendor is a part of the device that will be kept on the cart and it like the customers will have to connect to a common central provider of the service.
The interface is as shown below. It will be in the local languages of every state and hence the one below is in Gujarati. The list of the vegetable and the instructions will customiseable as per the vendor's language

The interface with the service at the Customers end is in the mobile phones. In this the Freshwala service is in the main Menu of the mobiles. This has four sub menus and the options of each is shown in the picture. Todays rates gives you the list of all the vegetables available in the city on that day. The Set alarm option allows you to set the alarm with time / vegetable / fruit or if you are friendly with a vegetable vendoe then you can set the alarm with his name. the show wala now helps you to see if there is a vendor in the viscinity without setting the alarm.

When the customer has set the alarm she will get an alert when the vendor is in the viscinity and when she checks the alarm she can see the exact position of the vendor and then she can view the wares he has on his cart and if she wants to purchase she gets to choose between personal purchase or home delivery (if she is old and cant go all the way downstairs)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007





This device can be fitted in front of the bicycle of the postman or can be dattached when needed. This has a mini printer to print the postcard and to capture images, and biometric section to take thumb impression on both the sides which makes it comfortable for the postman and for the reader. 2 usb ports are also provided to imposrt data of people of the villages and add more when needed. Its got input for earphones so as to listen to new audio messages. and banking facikities are also available in this davice as in rural areas of india baking is comboned with the postofiices and pensions and others are handles by the postman only.
These are some of the icons explored for the interface for Pegaam. Its simple line drawing and use of basic and local symbols will make it eaiser for the poastman to interact with the device.
This the simple interface for pegaam. this the procedure how a postcard is unlocked and then printed.

The postcard is unlocked by taking thumb impression of the person.After the appearance of postcard on screen it can read or can be printed by pressing a button on the device. And can be handed over to the person.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Global trends selected for concept development

"Cultural flows " and "Do it yourself" are the two trends which were selected after the first round of brainstorming and these two trends were then taken forward for concept developement. Amongst the many concepts which came up during the brainstorming, one of the scenario regarding "Concept of architecture in india and it's different aspects" seemed very interesting and was selected for further research and conceptualization.

Cultural Flows

In india, people strongly believe in religions and practices such as Ayurveda , Yoga and Vaastu for leading a harmonious life .Indian people have this concept of "own a house"and they want to incorporate everything in it which can help them lead a stress free life. Vaastu has been practiced in india since many centuries now and many examples can be seen in the form of temples and shrines which have been made entirely keeping the Vaastu principle as the base.Today people are increasingly becoming the followers of Vaastu and trying to imbibe it as far as possible .

Do it yourself

People in today's world are constantly searching for quicker, smarter solutions which would enable them to experiment and gain experience of doing things themselves.In india , generally people staying in villages and those belonging to tribal communities are involved in many activities concerning their houses which are self-initiated such as applying mud on walls to keep them cool, doing wall art etc.The current supports the customization of everything possible and technology is trying to enter the field of Art.The attempt here is to provide users with a product/service/system which can help them add the "self " touch to their houses by providing them opportunity to experiment and learn keeping in mind the values and basic principles guided by Vaastu Shastra

Concept Development - Visuastu ( the home visualizer)

The problem which people are facing these days with getting their houses constructed are:-

1. Time constraints - People are finding it difficult to manage time with the growing demand of involvement which is required these days with the construction of house. The owner has to run around a lot finalizing things with the architects, interior designers, vaastu consultators , contractors etc. This is ending up in people loosing interest in getting their houses custom- made and satisfying their demands.

2. Lack of participation - Due to lack of knowledge about the subject, many owners feel hesitated in putting forward their ideas while the house in under construction which becomes a big constraint in giving the "self" touch to the house and interacting with the person experienced in the field.

This product will help the users validate their ideas and concepts with the principles of architecture and vaastu shastra so that the user can gain confidence while they take forward their concepts to the experienced proffesional and can help them give shape to their hidden talent.

Vaastu is directly related with nature , earth's magnetic filed that is invisible but is a powerful force which affects man's life. It is the set of rules which are based on scientific principles following which, the 5 elements namely- Earth, Space, Air,Water and Fire maintain balance and harmony.


Device- components

The basic unit which will be able to perform most of the commands like "dream ghar", "colour my world" and "upload pics" and would contain all your saved work.

Camera Unit - This will be handy in collection of database for the gallery in terms of colours, textures and patterns. It will store the information as digital data and images as holographic images which can be analized later on in terms of colour values.This unit will have the memory card for the visualizer and u.s.b to upload things off the internet.


The interface for the device is shown here. This will enable the user to decide the plan of the house and the interiors by visualizing various options provided by the device. The user can customize various icons for doors, windows etc and the language to be used during the interface.
The user will interact with 2 different devices – the basic unit and the camera unit. The user would be able to share the pictures taken from the camera unit and send the same data to the database banks for colour research by connecting to the network that will be formed by the database bank .

Features of the device are:-
2.Camera / Digital Data recorder
3.Colour analizer
6.Information collection and sharing
Many of the icons are customizable for eg. the icons used for the different features such as windows, doors etc.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007


Starting with the scenarios building, we came across a lot of concepts that can provide convenience to the general public. These concepts are build on the basis of our reserach made previously at railway stations,bus stops, talking to eorking mothers, educational institutes etc.

Convenience to the passengers travelling by trains:

In this concept, the basic motto is to organise the coolies
(porter) and help passengers get adequate number of coolies as soon as they reach the destination station . This includes a system to be installed in all the boggies where there is one button provided in each compartment and the passengers needing a coolie can press the button . A display on the exterior of the boggie will indicate the cummulative count of the number of buttons pressed which in turn will indicate the number of coolies(porters) required.

In the modern world of fashion and technology, women's needs are changing constantly. This system has been thought for the women who is experimental in nature but does not want to waste a lot of time in decision making. This system basically enables a person to try different set of make up items, hairdo's and other accesories by clicking a photograph of the user and then through a preset kit of different possibilities set by the user according to requirement.

Stealing of ATM cards - a normal thing ??? not now!!

With the coming up of easy access to cash without going through the hassles of paper work, security issues have also sprung up as it is very easy to withdraw money from the ATM by using an ATM card which requires just the password to access. In this system, the ATM cards have been modified to incorporate the user's thumb impression which will be matched with the predefined data and only then the user will get an access to his/her account. This way , even if the card is lost or stolen , money cannot be withdrawn .

Here, the user is provided with assistence in finding it's way to his/her destination with the help of the GPS(global positioning system) incorporated in the user's cell phone.
Here the user can track down the way to the destination by locating the home and the final destination. The system will then show all the possibes routes between the two places and then provide the user with the shortest possible route that can be taken by the user to save time.
If the system is kept "ON" , then it will trace the path as chosen by the user and indicate when the user deviates from the path.

This syetm has been thought of keeping in mind the needs of the students . "Missed calls" is a major source of communication between students where every type of missed call stands for certain mesage to be decoded by the receiver . But many a times, due to lack of proper communication, a certain missed call is not perceived in the correct way by the user and it is confusing. To cater to this problem, this concept has been thought of where a certain number of missed calls will register at the service provider where it will be decoded as the intended message and sent to the receiver at a very nominal cost shared between the caller and the receiver.

This system is designed keeping in mind the needs of the old people in case of emergencies. Here, the system will enable the user to call for help without actually making a call . The system designed will be sensitive enough to sense when the user is in trouble and will inform the nearest possible hospitals for quick help .

This system will provide convenience to the public travelling by buses. It will help the passenger in judging the status of the bus he/she intends to take and avoid panic situations at the Bus- stop .
Intending at teaching the toddlers basics, this learning device will be an interactive and interesting way to impart knowledge. Here, a normal slate has been replaced by a digital slate where it is possible for the user to save all the work done and attached to the computer to see the work saved. This will enable the parents to keep a track of his/her child's progress .


Working women co-operative group:
In this system the working mothers of one housing society will have a network created in their mobile phones in which they will have their own shedule set. If she realises that she has a meeting and has to pick up her children from school she can enter the details like the name of the school and the area and the system will check who will be available among the women to go and pick her cildern and she choose one of her friends and ask that friend to pick her child from school.
This system is mainly for products that are not easily available in the market and only a few shops have them at a given time. All the retail shops have the availability of their goods in the shop in an online system. for example medicines A customer can easily check on the net where the particular medicine is available and can directly go to that shop and buy it. This saves the customer to run around from shop to shop looking for that particular medicine.
This is a little child finder device which solves the problem of childern running around in crowded public places and getting lost. It is just a little button on a device that the child is made to wear either in the neck or on the wrist. when the child is lost he can press that and can be located on through a signal that is sent to the mothers phone. this is very useful in India in places like Melas and fairs or Main shopping streets and Malls too.

Shown alongside is the scenario of a mobile operated door lock. this is very useful if you do not want to trust too many people with youe house keys or your children are too young to handle keys when you are not at home. Here the picture of the person who rings the bell is captured by a camers and the picture is sent to the lady or the man of the house when they are not at home. Thus the house keeper get to know who is waiting and can send a signal to the door to open up.

This system is mainly for the vegetable and fruit and other vwndoes who come from society to society to sell their wares. the buildings now a days are becoming taller and taller and it is immpossible for the vendor to shout out his wares. Thus in this systen the vendor shouts into the microphone at the gate of the building and each house has an intercom system and the homemaker comes to know which vendor is here even if he/ she is on the top most floor. In this way they can come down and buy all that they want. this system has a volume control so that even if you are in another room you can hear it and can switch it off if you do not want to know about the vendors.

Sometimes working mothers cannot come home when their child returns from school in cases she writes a note and puts it up on the refridgerator. The mother may forget to write some day about the milk and otherfoods and the child may not know. Thus this e-notepad helps the mother to write and edit notes sitting in the office. She can also edit and change messages and notes for the others like her husbahd or other family members.

In this system the service provider of the network sends a message of an emergency situation to every user of the specific service to take immidiate measures and evacuate if required. This message is in the form of an alarm which keeps ringing till it is seen and switched off by the user.

This system is very useful for mobile fairs and mobile melas. It is a very convenient thing to have a mobile toilet. the toilet is such a must in such plces to maintain hygenic and helthy surroundings. In this system one has to just call for a mobile van which will transpot a mobile toilet van to the venue where the fair or mela is.

These were the few concepts that we came up with after the second brainstorm. These are mainly based on the issues that we thought would be intersting to address.
Do put your comments and give us a feedback.
Group II : Aman Dubey
Apurba Pawar
Prachi Garg
Nayaab lokhandwala