Thursday, November 8, 2007

The interface with the service at the Customers end is in the mobile phones. In this the Freshwala service is in the main Menu of the mobiles. This has four sub menus and the options of each is shown in the picture. Todays rates gives you the list of all the vegetables available in the city on that day. The Set alarm option allows you to set the alarm with time / vegetable / fruit or if you are friendly with a vegetable vendoe then you can set the alarm with his name. the show wala now helps you to see if there is a vendor in the viscinity without setting the alarm.

When the customer has set the alarm she will get an alert when the vendor is in the viscinity and when she checks the alarm she can see the exact position of the vendor and then she can view the wares he has on his cart and if she wants to purchase she gets to choose between personal purchase or home delivery (if she is old and cant go all the way downstairs)

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